We examine and tell you about your oral health, our dental team works together to find out any abnormalities and disease in your oral cavity and surrounding hard and soft tissues. .

Our dentists will check your teeth for cavities, defective fillings and crowns, root canals, gum diseases and also evaluate your risk of developing other oral health problems, as well as check your face, neck and mouth for abnormalities.

we understand the severity of dental pain. Our fast activity and examination helps to relief your pain quickly. Specific exam- Your time is very valuable, we can fit our work to be limited upon your specific need.

We respect the value of your time and hence keep your appointments as priority. We believe in completing the treatment in as little time frame as possible.


Our Dentist or Hygienist remove dental plaque (soft ,sticky layer coloured white to yellowish ) , calculus ( Hard whitish or stained and attached hardly on your teeth) and stains including smoking, coffee, food, betel quid or paan stain, tobacco and many medicines. Cleaning and polishing make your teeth healthy and white. You may not need of whitening for your bright smile after scaling and polishing..


A filling is a way to replace the decayed/damaged tooth structure and restoring it back to its normal function. Filling material: One does not suit all!!! The dentist will according to the clinical situation choose what’s best for you. Depending on the dentist’s assessment, you will be suggested one of the following materials. .


The composite white filling is a synthetic combination of acrylic resin and glass which has a white color thereby enabling it to match the color of the tooth. This is also chosen for aesthetic reasons as many people prefer to have fillings which match the rest of their teeth rather than the distinctive silver filling. Composite white fillings have a natural color which is similar to the color of your natural teeth and so blends it well with them.


Its 21st Century, Silver Filling is now obsolete. We use a composite (white) filling is used to treat a decayed tooth which is as strong as silver amalgam and no one can figure out if the tooth is treated or not. The material is inserted into the tooth where it then prevents the further spread of decay or repairs any damage.


We remove all severely decayed teeth, teeth for orthodontic purposes, impacted teeth and the teeth cannot be saved by anyway .

We do wisdom teeth extraction under local anaesthesia.

This is a more complex procedure, which is used if a tooth may have broken off at the gum line or has not erupted in the mouth. Our dentist will make a small incision into your gum to surgically remove the broken tooth or impacted wisdom tooth.


We do root canal for all teeth The pulp is the living tissue of the tooth with blood supply and nerve supply. Once the dental caries (decay ) involves the pulp, the pulp gets infected causing pain. The aim of the root canal treatment is to remove the infected pulp. This is done by removing the infected pulp with files in the pulp chamber and cleaning and shaping the root canals and sealing the canal with a filling material. .


STEP 1: After the tooth is anesthetized, an opening is made through the crown into the pulp chamber. STEP 2: The length of the root canals is determined. STEP 3: Unhealthy pulp is removed. Canals are cleaned, enlarged and shaped. STEP 4: Canals are filled and sealed. A metal post may be added for structural support or to retain restorative materials. STEP 5: The tooth is sealed with a temporary filling. Usually a crown adds further protection.


A crown or a cap is used to protect the tooth structure after root canal treatment whereas a bridge is prepared to replace missing teeth. Many patients are unaware that many artificial caps and crowns made of metal or lined with metal have a nickel component. Since precious alloys are used much less these days - most metal caps/crowns/bridges are made with what is called in local slang - 'white metal'. White metal would mean combinations of alloys like cobalt -chromium, nickel chromium and/or others. .

Dental Bridges cover or bridge the gap created by one or more missing teeth. A bridge helps to prevent the teeth from moving out of place. Once the bridge is placed it works just like your natural teeth. They span the space where teeth are missing. Dental bridges help with chewing, speaking as well as maintaining the shape of your face.

Dental inlays and onlay are made up of metal , porcelain and composit. Those are same like filling but processed in dental laboratory and cemented in the hole of the teeth. Your dentist gives you options for it.

If you Have Any Questions Call Us On (416) - 431 1371